Friday 31 October 2008

It's Just Me, My Test and I

My friend once told me how she loves to take tests, at the time I thought she was crazy but as I got older I started to understand her reasoning more. Not saying that I LOVE tests but there is something about studying hard, obtaining knowledge and then imparting it for a couple of hours; provided you do well it's quite a therapeutic experience.

One of my lecturers refuses to use the word 'test', it sounds quite daunting and as she realises it causes people to be anxious, she much prefers the term 'Celebration of Knowledge.' We are given 'candy' and encouraged to 'celebrate our own knowledge' (a great euphemism for 'DON'T YOU DARE CHEAT!' if even I heard one.)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jenny,
    probably you won't believe in what I'm going to say, but I am Matteo, your pen-friend from Italy, few years ago, and surfing the net I have found this blog and discovered that you still remember abut me! You can't imagine what a surprise!

    If you'd like to contact me, please write to!

    I would be truly glad to know how you are, what you study and which your projects and programs are.

    Sincerely yours,

    Matteo Frivoli.

    P.S. Sorry for my bad English, maybe worse than when we wrote each other! ;-)
