Friday 26 September 2008

Barack to the Future

The first Presidential Debate took place tonight between Barack Obama and John McCain, I caught some of it on TV. Unable to vote in America and having yet to vote in England I still take an interest in these political campaigns and policies.

The way the campaigns are run in America baffled me at first, I was unaware that candidates could speak so freely about their opponent. One foot wrong in the past or present could end election hopes for either party. I would like to see Obama win, yet fear that the pressure on him to change the country and its economic state quickly would be so immense. I'm sure he is aware of that...I just can't imagine why anybody would want the responsibility of running an entire country!

Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright was filmed making some very controversial statements about 9/11, Hilary Clinton and America, which created some problems initially. Sure, Obama will lose some votes simply because he is black, but so too will McCain for being 'old', I believe the election will be excrutiatingly close and look forward to the results.

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