Saturday, 11 April 2009


I really like bookmarks, I think they are a pointless purchase but I can't help but be attracted to them! I'm not usually a page folder but I refuse to pay for something that a scrap piece of paper can do.

Jenny David

Recently I've been watching quite a bit of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David is one of the most entertaining characters I've seen. His views sometimes seem extreme and unfair but in all honesty, he is often the voice you wish you had. I think the world would be a better place if populated with a few more Larry Davids. He is an observational king who has inspired me to watch human actions and behaviour more closely.

Dance Like Nobody's Watching

I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who dances erratically when alone. It's an enjoyable past time and I'm not afraid to admit to it.

Mind The Gap!

I'm returning to America soon and would like to make a point about toilets in the USA, it's been playing on my mind for a while and I feel that blogging about the issue will set me free!

For some reason there is a gap either side of the toilet doors, I was just wondering what that was all about? You can pretty much see all the way in and out (if you choose to.) I just find it quite strange and am looking for some justification!

The Lost Art of The Letter

I've been back in England for a while now, although many of my friends are still in the USA waist deep in projects, finals and pop quizzes. While I was away I loved receiving post, a letter from home, a card or anything with handwriting on it somehow had the ability to give you a great boost.

So I decided to write letters to a couple of my friends across the pond, I think they appreciated it, it says a bit more than a Facebook wall post or a MySpace comment. I was shocked to discover how strange it felt to compose a letter without the use of a computer, my handwriting is quite original and notoriously difficult to read so I made a conscious effort to make it as legible as possible.

I'm wondering how long it will be until I receive my next handwritten letter, they are becoming increaslingly obsolete and therefore precious, their power must not be overlooked.