Monday 9 March 2009

I take it back...

I would last to retract my previous post...I've found my man!

Friday 6 March 2009

Hey there pretty...bunny

Cadbury have re-released the Caramel bar after years of the Dairy Milk with Caramel, I saw a huge billboard on the underground today. The Caramel bunny is known for her sexiness, as are a number of female cartoon characters such as Jessica Rabbit and Betty Boop.

Where are all the sexy male cartoon characters? The only one I can think of that would be considered in this way would be Johnny Bravo! Perhaps there are more that I'm overlooking?

Who is this Soft Mick you speak of?

When I was growing up, my mum always used to say 'You've got more (insert item here) than Soft Mick!' For years I have wondered about this Soft Mick character and how he came to acquire so many things!

According to Wikipedia:

Soft Mick is a name used to describe an extravagance in East Lancashire and West Yorkshire

Soft Mick is seemingly used more in Accrington in conjunction with shoes "More shoes than Soft Mick" Leading some to believe that Soft Mick may have been a Irish shoe peddler working around Accrington, East Lancs, in the early 1900s

I can breathe easy now I know a little more about him. I always imagined that Soft Mick looked like this:

Creme de la Crepe!

I was shopping for birthday presents today and stumbled across a great place. Creme de la Crepe is downstairs in the courtyard of Covent Garden selling both sweet and savory pancakes. As I missed Shrove Tuesday the other week, I thought it was only right that I have my pancake allowance for the year. If you're in the area I highly recommend a visit to this cosy and delicious pancake house!

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Twitter!..shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, bay-bay!

(...Sigh) I gave in to the power of Twitter. I didn't really intend on getting one but felt the need to just so I knew what I had been missing.

I am not a fan of being a late adopter, it feels like cheating, waiting to see if something is going to take off and as the bandwagon is about to depart, pouncing on it like a desperate fool trying to keep up with the times.

Follow me if you please but remember I am filthy late adopter!

Monday 2 March 2009

She's got a Badge On!

I've done my fair share of commuting over the past few months. Being small on the tube can be quite annoying, it seems like nobody sees or hears you!

I was on the tube the other day and saw a woman with one of these 'Baby on Board' badges on, what a great idea, now everybody knows that she is 'with child' and should not be pushed around. It's a nice idea if people actually see the badge, otherwise she'll be treated like cattle like the rest of us.

I'm thinking of getting my own badge saying 'I bruise easily' or something like that, then hopefully people will take more care with me!

Less But Better

I went to a talk by Dieter Rams at the V&A last week, with no tickets and 30 people on the waiting list, for a long time it looked like I wouldn't get to hear him. Yet perseverance paid off and a group of about 10 of us were let in for free!

I really enjoyed the talk, Rams is a charismatic designer, with his thick German accent and quick wit, I listened intently to what he had to say. His designs for Braun in the 1950s are believed to have inspired those of the Apple iPod, iPhone and iMac. This influence is clear when comparing the products, the beauty of his work is created by its simplicity.


Since graduating I have managed to obtain some good internships at a number of PR agencies in London. In January I worked at Ketchum, before moving on to Shine Communications and Cow PR in February. It's been great to get a feel for the way different agencies work, how they operate on a daily basis. Organisational culture has always interested in me, and I have been able to experience some diverse cultures over the past two months.

Interning for 2 week and one month periods is something I would recommend, not that I am shy or reserved in any way, but it can be a great help for graduates to come out of their shells and get a real feel for the working environment.

PR has really captured me, I think that in a recession it can be daunting but exciting to work in the creative industries. This is the the time to be noticed, to do something different, and to make an impression. I am hoping to continue to gain some valuable experience and further my knowledge of the business world outside of the classroom.