Friday 31 October 2008

It's Just Me, My Test and I

My friend once told me how she loves to take tests, at the time I thought she was crazy but as I got older I started to understand her reasoning more. Not saying that I LOVE tests but there is something about studying hard, obtaining knowledge and then imparting it for a couple of hours; provided you do well it's quite a therapeutic experience.

One of my lecturers refuses to use the word 'test', it sounds quite daunting and as she realises it causes people to be anxious, she much prefers the term 'Celebration of Knowledge.' We are given 'candy' and encouraged to 'celebrate our own knowledge' (a great euphemism for 'DON'T YOU DARE CHEAT!' if even I heard one.)

Thursday 30 October 2008

The Art of Persuasion

I will be giving a persuasive speech in a few weeks, the topic is my choice. I have pondered ideas for a while but wanted to stay away from the whole 'I'm hear today to persuade you to....
  • Quit smoking
  • Always practice safe sex
  • Vote for McCain/Obama
  • Recycle'
I did consider discussing the possibility of lowering the legal drinking age in America to 18. Although not a seasoned drinker myself, I think that prohibiting alcohol until the age of 21 is quite ridiculous, it adds emphasis and mystery to the whole drinking culture, which many are already keen to explore. I believe the law fosters immature behavior at times, reducing the required age may solve some of these problems. This may appear hypocritical coming from an English student whose home nation is renowned for its production of young binge drinkers!! :S

I am going to aim to persuade my class to read 'The Last Lecture' due to my feeling of its importance to all students and others alike. I wanted to challenge myself, getting 30 college students to get excited about reading a book will certainly be difficult!

Annecy, France

I've booked my flight, and will go to Annecy in December!! I'm so excited to experience a new culture; although constantly surrounded by internationals at my current location, I'll be thrilled to actually visit France. Being in Florida for 8 months of the year makes you appreciate cold weather a whole lot more, I look forward to wrapping up in a hat, scarf and gloves on my trip!

Just a Game

It's my last year of playing soccer in the US and I'm sure I'm going to miss it. My last official game will take place next week, I hope to continue to play, but I know for a while I'll miss the highly competitive environment I have become so accustomed to. In a game against our local rivals a few weeks ago, 2 goals in a 4-0 victory had me high in the sky! There a few feelings quite like being 'in the zone' during a game.

I love seeing passionate and enthusiastic players and always try to be one myself. I hope to take my competitive attitude and use it in the career I choose. They say it's just a game but I do think it has been more than that for me, playing football has allowed me to escape and express myself in ways other activities won't allow.

It's all in the Details

I believe that I pay particular attention to detail, I can almost always tell when someone I know has had their hair cut, changed or even slightly trimmed. What can I say?'s a gift! I am also really fussy when it comes to spelling, punctuation and grammer.....;)

I am the same with logos too, it's strange but the other day we drove past Best Buy and I couldn't help but think they were in desperate need of a logo my surprise the next day I heard they had a new image! Pepsi have also decided to make a slight adjustment to their logo, had I not read about these changes I am sure I would have identified them pretty quickly. I like to notice slight differences and evaluate their impact.

Best Buy's new look will work well for them I feel, a more modern approach and the inclusion of the iconic tag will ensure its success in the marketplace.

Healthy Packaging

I am always intrigued by the way brands re-design their packaging to make their product seem 'more healthy.' The increased use of white is a favoured technique for many, it just simplifies the whole look and makes the consumer feel like whatever they are eating/drinking is good for them. Such a basic psychological trick but it seems to work every time! Colour connotations count for a lot, here are a few examples:

Homecoming Queen

A couple of weeks ago I was crowned Homecoming Queen at my school (much to my surprise.) It was an honour of course but it wasn't something I had ever given much thought. I actually felt sorry for the other girls who made it to Homecoming Court, mainly because they seemed so into the whole thing and probably really wanted the title! Then there was me, a little foreign kid who knows nothing about the custom and its relevance.

I then read this article on 'How to Become Homecoming Queen' to see how closely I had followed the guidelines:

A lot of girls dream about being that girl who gets to be homecoming queen. Make that girl be you!
  1. Be nice to everyone. Homecoming queens are voted by their peers, so if everyone likes you, you have a good chance of being chosen. That means being nice, not fake. If you're nice to people but then talk about them behind their back, they still won't like you. Even if everyone else around you is saying bad things about someone, say something like, "Guys, I hate talking about people, could you please stop." This way, you're not being rude to them. Keep up the "ultra-sweet-can't-help-but-love-me" attitude and you'll see a difference.
  2. Be attractive and well-groomed. Looks count. You don't have to be model-thin or anything, but do try to look attractive. Keep your hair nice, wear trendy clothes, and have clean and straight white teeth. Just pamper yourself and be beautiful!
  3. Try enhancing your look. Your look should be natural without looking like you've tried too hard.
  4. Try not to act slutty. Obviously, you'll lose respect, votes, and you'll be getting the wrong type of attention.
  5. Flirt! You want to be the girl everyone loves and this includes guys. If you have a boyfriend though, don't flirt, that'll just get you a bad name. Regardless, remain equally friendly to everyone.
  6. Keep your grades up. Again, this will just get you respect and people will like you more. Remember that keeping your grades up is important so you'll even get to that homecoming. You may lose votes from those who consider those who slack academically "losers".
  7. Be yourself. In other words, don't let others tell you what or who to be. If you're shy, still be yourself but try to relax and be more outgoing. Shy girls don't get voted to be homecoming queen. Learn to be assertive and confident.
  8. Be comfortable everywhere you go. Try to relax, be more outgoing, and have fun around people. There's no reason why you should be nervous - try to see everyone as friends and treat them like it.
  9. Be known. Get yourself involved in a lot of activities. That way, you know a bunch of people. Join other extra-curricular activities in your school like dance, basketball, soccer, etc.
  10. Hang out with everyone, unless they are into drugs and other bad things. Make an effort to get to know everyone, but don't become friends just to snag the homecoming crown. Be friendly, relaxed, and open.
I don't think I deviated too far from the suggestions and will definitely look back fondly on the experience.

Thursday 9 October 2008

Halloween Horror Nights

I will be attending Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios soon. I have been to the event every year since I have been in Florida and have never failed to be petrified yet! Although the people dressed up in their elaborate costumes can't touch and harm you, I can't help but feel that I should take an extra pair of underwear! (Just in case)

The theme for 2008 is Bloody Mary, one year it was clowns! I enjoy going on the rides especially, but the haunted houses are like torture. It doesn't help that 300 other students from school are in the park trying to scare you at every opportunity! When I leave the park my body finally, after being tense for hours can relax! But it's always a good night! In a funny kind of way.

IHOPe IHOP Makes it to England

There are so many places to eat in America compared to in England. I will miss IHOP the most when I graduate, the International House of Pancakes is open 24 hours and tastes best any time after 1am! I would love for the chain to make it over to England, yet currently the only places embracing all 24 hours in a day in the UK seem to be Tesco and Asda :(

Hey Teach!

My uncle was a Maths teacher and my cousin is now also into teaching. When I was young I originally wanted to be a nurse (I can only imagine it was because it was one of the few occupations I knew... I am incredibly squeamish!) Yet as I got older, the idea of being a teacher appealed to me more; after spending many years in the school system though, I came to the conclusion that KIDS ARE MEAN and was soon put off the idea.

I just find it amazing how many people think or suggest that I become a teacher, friends, family and people who I barely even know! The fact that I attended high school everyday for the 5 years doesn't help my case, it seems like I couldn't get enough of it. I'm starting to think that staying in bed and watching Trisha for one day wouldn't have killed me.

.......Anyway...I can't be a teacher....I'm left handed and always rub my work off the board as I go!

To Laugh or Not to Laugh...

I was thinking about it the other day, and I like the way comedy is going. My favourites are The Office, The Mighty Boosh and Flight of the Conchords. Comedies that really push boundaries and challenge the audinence's ability to see humour in controversial situations excite me. The abstract approach of Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt has definatley sparked a new style, I have heard countless impressions of 'Old Gregg' in America, much to my surprise. The recent publication of 'The Mighty Book of Boosh' looks to be interesting, the art is very original, as are the costumes featured in the show.

It must be said that there are some comedies that I cannot stand...The Catherine Tate Show and The Kevin Bishop Show are painful to watch. Sketch shows like these are often difficult to pull off, Trigger Happy TV being one of the most successful.


Something that has always intrigued me is 'that Friday feeling.' For most people it's the prospect of two days off work and a weekend of freedom I imagine. You can usually sense a Friday by people's behavior, we have been conditioned to believe in the Monday to Friday working week, I wonder if that was to change overnight how we would adapt. My friend from Saudi Arabia told me the other day that in his country they observe a Saturday to Wednesday working week, it almost blew my mind! It's scary how rigid my thinking was on this topic, I'm considering mixing my life up a bit!

The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need

I read this book last night, written by Dan Pink, it's the first manga business book. I really enjoyed it, the distinguished approach to offereing career advice is what makes it work so well. The story follows Johnny Bunko, an accounting major with a passion for creativity, as he searches for a more meaningful life and career. The book details six lessons, which can be used in all areas of life:

1. There is no plan.
2. Think strengths, not weaknesses.
3. It's not about you.
4. Persistence trumps talent.
5. Make excellent mistakes.
6. Leave an imprint.